Renewable Energy solutions can
be a vital aspect of the sustainability
of any business.

picture of solar panels

There is a Global threat of continued electricity price rises and also the impact on the environment due to consumption of fossil fuels and naturally available crude oil resources. The availability of these natural resources are limited and non-renewable. More over this even contributes to the increase in the levels of pollution and rise in the level of carbon gasses leading to global warming and Green House effect. This is in turn, posing a significant challenge to the world today.

Investment in renewable sources of energy can be the world’s most efficient and sensible solutions to improve this global scenario. This will also improve any business’s environmental impact and significantly reduce their electricity costs. Renewable Energy solutions can be a vital aspect of the sustainability of any business.

Investing in Renewable Energy have Benefits like

Assured Returns On Investment
Assured Returns
On Investment
Immediate Cost Reduction
Immediate Cost
Reduce Business Risk
Business Risk
Reduce Carbon Emissions
Reduce Carbon

As commercial IPP Company which at presents offers Solar and Wind Energy solutions, we operate on diverse Business models for our potential and existing client list that range from Government , many leading industries, as well as educational institutions.

We have in- house expertise as well as best in the class integrated engineering consultants that enable us to evaluate and implement various opportunities in the light of present and futuristic global business scenario.

Capex Model

In this model, the entire investment comes from the power consumer, consumer generally hire a solar EPC company who provide turnkey installation of entire solar power system and hand over assets to consumers. EPC also do annual operation and maintained (O&M) of plant on mutually agreed cost per annum.

Opex Model

In the OPEX model, an investor or project developer (sometimes called Renewable Energy Service Company –RESCO) invests the CAPEX and consumer pays for the energy consumed/supplied by the solar power project delicately developed for a particular consumer. Both consumer and developer sign a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for an agreed tenure & tariff.

Wind / Solar Parks

picture of solar panels

Solar and Wind parks are the way many states in India are now adopting as a part of providing commercial solar solutions.

Our company aims at fulfilling the client’s electricity needs by supplying power produced in off-site park using state transmission. The solar power is supplied under the CAPEX/OPEX model wherein the client agrees to purchase power.

Every project is backed by:

  • A Dedicated Project Management Team
  • Rigorous Safe Work Method Statement Documentation
  • All Necessary Compliance Certificates
  • All Relevant Council Approvals

Open Access

picture of solar panels

Open Access enables heavy users with more than 1 MW connected load to buy cheap power from the open market. The concept is to allow the customers to choose from a number of competitive power companies, rather than being forced to buy power from the local utility monopoly. It not only helps the industrial & commercial consumers by ensuring regular electricity supply at competitive rates but also enhances the business of power markets. Open access helps consumers meet their Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs) as well.

A consumer with bulk load can avail the benefits of cheap and green solar power by either purchasing through the rooftop solar installation in its premises or buying from an offsite solar farm under open access. While open access does away with limitations of rooftop solar such as scalability and high capital expenditure, it is often exposed to unpredictable grid risks.

Open Access will ease the power shortage since a number of power producers like Solar energy companies can now transmit power from their solar parks to different load centers. Once the consumers are given the choice to purchase power from the open market, it will automatically lead to competitive pricing of electricity making electricity cost go down.

Open Access rights in India are governed by the Electricity Act 2003 which has laid down regulations for competition in the power market. Based on the location of the purchasing and selling entities, Open Access can be classified as follows:

Inter-State Open Access

In this, the purchasing and selling entities belong to different states and they have to follow Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) regulations. The purchase rights under inter-state open access can be for Short Term i.e. for less than a month period, Medium Term i.e. for 3 months to 3 years period and Long Term i.e. for twelve to twenty-five years period.

Intra-State Open Access

As evident from the name, the purchasing and selling entities, in this case, belong to the same state. It follows State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) regulations. It can also be classified as Short Term, Medium Term and Long Term where the durations of these terms vary based on the regulations of respective states.

Group Captive Power Scheme

A group captive scheme is where someone develops a power plant for collective usage of many commercial consumers. The developer should have at least 26% of the equity and has to consume at least 51% of the power produced. The term “captive power scheme” was introduced in the Electricity Rule, 2003.


  • Renewable Power Projects – Our Group are in a continuous process of identifying and implementing Utility Scale & Rooftop projects. We are also aggressively looking into Mergers & Acquisition opportunities of Technically and Financially viable projects and opportunities.
  • EPC: An EPC company is responsible for all the activities from design, procurement, construction, commissioning and handover of the project to the end-user or owner. We are also in the process of building an EPC division which will enable us to bring down the cost of implementing utility scale projects and also generate revenue by offering this service to other developers. This division will also consist of an Operation and Maintenance team for monitoring such projects.
  • Renewable Products & Services – The group is in in advanced stages of Developing and engaging into distribution of Solar Products, Systems and Solutions catering to clients with latest Technology. We are also evaluating on setting up R&D, Manufacturing & Testing line and equipment with strategic alliance with OEM Technology Partners. Our plans are to manufacture with own Brand and strengthen the offerings with wide range of Solar Modules, Inverters, Mounting Structures, Solar Trackers - Actuators, Products – Solar Power Packs, Home Lighting Systems, Street Lighting Systems, Water Pumping Systems and Models, catering to large spectrum of potential Global clientele.
  • The Energy Storage Service : The Energy Storage Service provides a combination of in-depth market analysis and engagement with key players. Our team tracks and analyses deployments and company landscape to deliver comprehensive insight into the economics and trends that are shaping the energy storage market. This is coupled with meaningful conversations at various conferences, events and seminars through its peer network.
  • Electric Vehicle: Electric powered cars are becoming popular in the present time because of the ever-increasing fuel problems. Electric cars are known to be very efficient and they consume less energy making them environmentally friendly automobiles. An electric powered car has three primary components. These are the electric engine, motor controller, and battery. Apart from these three parts there are other parts which is utilized for manufacturing an electric vehicle. Our group is in preliminary discussion with manufacturers of such parts considering the potential of this opportunity.
  • Electric Charging Stations: Our group is also evaluating the commercial and technical viability of installation of EV Charging stations at various locations under our company’s brand name.